Address, work needed, expenses, resale...there are just too many criteria to take into account when choosing between a house and an apartment. Here are our tips for a successful real estate purchase...

Flat or house: pinpoint your needs!


It comes in multiple surface areas and can adapt to very specific needs. A couple with no children has different requirements than a family. Retirees appreciate apartments as they’re usually close to primary services (a lift is needed, obviously!). As for young people, buying a small apartment is often the first step in their “housing journey”!


Apart from the small town houses, this type of property rather matches the needs of families. It is all the more true since a house most often has a garden, a very sought-after criterion. The choice of the surface area and number of rooms will basically depend on the household needs.

Collective vs. individual: the property management


It is placed under the co-ownership regime. You own the private portions and a fraction of the common parts. You take part in general meetings and interact with two bodies, the building manager and the union council. You pay condominium fees, an amount that must be budgeted because, don’t forget, at the same time, you will be repaying your loan!


Apart from the small town houses, this type of property rather matches the needs of families. It is all the more true since a house most often has a garden, a very sought-after criterion. The choice of the surface area and number of rooms will basically depend on the household needs.