Are you wondering whether you should use the services of a real estate agency for the rental of your apartment? Why rent it with an agency? This is a question that often arises before starting any rental project.

Save time by renting your apartment with an agency

Time is money. The rental and management of real estate represents a workload that is often very time-consuming. Things seem simple on paper but the protocol is complex. If you choose to entrust the rental and / or management of your property to an agency, you save among other things long hours of regulatory research, advertising, drafting contracts, inventory and management of your property. You can find and rent your favourite apartment online with a few clicks thanks to websites like this one for instance, which is specializing in apartment rentals in the UK:

Opting for an agency to rent your apartment means peace of mind

Having tenants in your apartment is not always easy. For a particular landlord, great difficulties can arise on many levels and must be prepared upstream. What happens if the tenant does not pay the rent anymore or if he returns the apartment in a degraded state? As in many situations in case of conflict, the relationship between the landlord and his/her tenant can be tricky. As an owner, you may have to deal with complicated situations that are rich in emotions. These have a direct and immediate impact on your finances and your daily life.

A real estate agency to make sure you are respecting the law

The regulatory framework for renting is among the heaviest and is constantly evolving: rent controls, mandatory diagnoses, tax incentives for investment, insurance ... All these elements put end to end can quickly make 'a rental a real obstacle course for a less informed landlord. Upgrading in the case of a first lease and keeping informed of the latest regulations is complicated for many owners. Missing or misapplying a new regulation can quickly cause a lot of harm to the owner.

Rent your apartment with an agency to maximize profitability

If you decide to go through a real estate agency to take care of your property, the rental profitability will be increased. Indeed, even if a real-estate agency will charge you for its services, it will save you money in three ways: By minimizing your rental vacancy By maximizing your rent income By taking advantage of its partner rates